Chapter 17 Page 29

Everything on the page should be working by now (except maybe posting comments from mobile devices, which the comment service says they're looking into). Let me know if you find any other issues.

Time for SpiderForest featured comics of the week!

Week of October 18-24

Get a Slice of THIS Life

Working in retail hell or robots exploring humanity, slice of life isn't normally like this!

Honestly Not a Robot.
Honestly Not a Robot. - Your webcomic guide to starting a career at Damnson's Premium Supermarket! *may contain low pay rates, work stress and puns

Now Recharging
Now Recharging is about sentient/sapient robots exploring existence and making friends! Join Emmie the android as they navigate the ups, downs and wonders of ordinary life. Discover an ink-and-watercolour world of cute robot nannies, soft fluffy sheep, super cool gladiatorbots, fairy tales, fresh laundry, pancakes and more!